Doctor of Economics Program, Diponegoro University, Doctoral promotion exam on behalf of Septian Wahyudi with the title “BIG- Impact Innovation, Is It Important in Improving Performance
Startup Industry Marketing in Indonesia?”. (07/10/2022).
The dissertation written by Promovendus aims to solve the problem of the research gap between partnerships and marketing performance, by developing a new conceptual model that will be tested empirically, namely big impact innovation which acts as a mediation to overcome the research gap between partnerships and marketing performance, especially in the startup industry. digital in Indonesia, through the perspective of innovation theory. This new concept has the opportunity to contribute to marketing management science and can contribute to digital startup industry players.
The research findings are based on testing the first hypothesis that partnerships can increase big impact innovation. The role of partnerships can be a catalyst for the creation and deployment of new products and services for companies, of course this is done with the cooperation of companies in the R&D process, of course this can have an impact on the creation of new products, because innovation is an intense company effort through joint R&D. Testing the second hypothesis that big impact innovation can increase isolated marketing strategy moves. This supports that big impact innovation can be a lever for creating many new strategies in marketing, especially marketing in digital media. Innovation is not limited to improving marketing performance, but being able to improve various steps to attract customers with various marketing activities. testing the third hypothesis proved that big impact innovation can improve competitive maneuver ability. It can be seen that innovation not only encourages the ability to attract customers with various promotional activities but can also increase the ability to respond quickly to customer needs and desires, this is because customers and markets need speed to fulfill their needs. Testing the fourth hypothesis, namely Big impact innovation is an antecedent variable marketing performance that has a positive influence. Testing the fifth hypothesis, namely isolated marketing strategy move has a positive effect on marketing performance. Testing the sixth hypothesis, namely Competitive maneuver ability has a positive effect on marketing performance.
Acceptance of the hypothesis in this study confirms that partnerships are an important antecedent for companies to create, deploy and develop innovations that ultimately improve marketing performance, because partnerships contain R&D routines which are activities of balancing and combining internal resources (technology push) and external factors. such as partnerships (market pull) is one of the activities to increase the impact of innovation.
The Examination Committee consists of Prof. Anis Chariri, SE, MCom, PhD, Ak (Chief Examiner, Main Supervisor), Prof. Drs. Agusty Tae Ferdinand, MBA, DBA (Secretary of Examiners, Supervisor), I Made Sukresna, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D (Examiner, Co-Supervisor), Prof. Dr. Gita Sugiyarti MSi (External Examiner), Dr. Harry Soesanto, M.Kes (Examiner) and Dra. Amie Kusumawardhani, M.Sc., Ph.D (Examiner).
The exam lasted for two hours and promovenda was able to defend his dissertation so that he was declared passed by the Examination Committee and was entitled to hold a Doctoral degree.
The Economics Doctoral Program wishes you congratulations and good luck in your work.
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