
Structural Setup of the Doctoral Program

PDIE offers a research-based program in Economics with three major concentrations: accounting, management, and economics. The curriculum 2020 requires that students complete 47 SKS or credits (equal to 75.2 ECTS—the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System—in which one SKS equals 2.83 hours x 14 weeks) to graduate and be awarded the degree of PhD in Economics. PDIE’s doctoral program consists of two main parts: 1) compulsory theoretical courses; and 2) research, publication and dissertation writing courses. This new curriculum is designed based on the new academic regulation requiring students to attend structured class with courses of 10 SKS (16 ECTS). This curriculum has been effectively implemented from August 2020.

Compulsory Courses/Modules (4 sks)

  1. Advanced Research Methodology in Economics- Management-Accounting (3 sks)
  2. Academic Writing and Publication (1 sks)

Elective/Concentration Courses/Modules (6 SKS):

Research Courses/Module (37 SKS)

  1. Colloquium 1 (3 sks)
  2. Colloquium 2 (3 sks)
  3. Research Project 1: Literature Review (3 sks)
  4. Research Project 2: Qualification Exam (3 sks)
  5. Research Project 3: Proposal Exam (3 sks)
  6. Research Project 4: Research Finding Exam (3 sks)
  7. Research Project 5: Feasibility Exam of Dissertation (3 sks)
  8. Publication 1 (3 sk): International Conference
  9. Publication 2 (7 sks): Reputable International journals
  10. Publication 3 (7 sks): Reputable International journals  (special for PhD by Research)
  11. Dissertation (6 sks)

Structure of Courses/Modules