Doctoral Program in Economics, Diponegoro University, Doctoral promotion examination on behalf of Daniel Lukito with the title “The Role of Efficient Technology Competency Acquisition in the Effectiveness of Digital Transformation Projects”. (02/12/2022).

The dissertation written by Promovendus aims to get clarity about the influence of Digital Organizational Culture and Transformation Management Capabilities to increase Digital Transformation Project Effectiveness. This study also aims to gain clarity regarding the effect of Efficient Technological Competency Acquisition on the relationship between Digital Organizational Culture and Transformation Management Capabilities on Digital Transformation Effectiveness.
There are problems related to the low success rate of digital transformation so research is needed to find ways to increase its effectiveness.” The results of the analysis carried out in this study have succeeded in showing that there are 3 things that can positively and significantly increase the success (effectiveness) of digital transformation projects (DTPE). These three things are digital organizational culture (DOC), transformation management capability (TMC), and efficient technology competency acquisition (ETCA). ETCA is a concept developed to close the gap related to the unclear relationship between DOC and DTPE. In this study ETCA has also been shown to have a significant partial mediating effect and enhance the effect of DOC on DTPE.
Promovendus concludes that the existence of ETCA can further increase the effectiveness of digital transformation projects influenced by DOC and TMC. Employees who acquire new technological competencies and continue to develop them with various applications and innovations can support the success of digital transformation projects in the company. Confidence in being able to carry out the assigned task properly through the use of this new technology can be a motivation to show achievement.
This research has made several contributions to the body of knowledge. First, this research produces a new concept, namely Efficient Technological Competency Acquisition. Second, this study shows that the concept of Efficient Technological Competency Acquisition increases the influence of digital organizational culture (DOC) on digital transformation project effectiveness through its mediating effect. The same is true for TMC to DTPE connections. Third, this research produces a new conceptualization for Digital Organizational Culture. Fourth, this research produces a new conceptualization for Transformation Management Capabilities. Fifth, this research produces a new conceptualization for Digital Transformation Project Effectiveness. Sixth, this study provides evidence for a causal relationship between digital organizational culture and the effectiveness of digital transformation projects and between transformation management capabilities and digital transformation effectiveness.
The Examination Committee consists of Prof. Dr. Suharnomo, SE, M.Sc (Lead Examiner, Main Supervisor), Mirwan Surya Perdhana, S.E., M.M., Ph.D (Examiner Secretary, Co-Supervisor), Dr. I Ketut Santra, M.Si (External Examiner), Dr. Edy Raharja, S.E., M.Si (Examiner), Dr. Ahyar Yuniawan, S.E., M.Si (Examiner) and Dr. Indi Djastuti, M.S (examiner).

The exam lasted for two hours and promovenda was able to defend his dissertation so that he was declared passed by the Examination Committee and was entitled to hold a Doctoral degree.

The Economics Doctoral Program wishes you congratulations and good luck in your work.