Doctoral Program in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro held a National Webinar (Alumni Talk) on 19 November 2022. On this occasion we invited Prof. Dr. Izza Mafruhah, MSi and Prof. Dr. Sucihatiningsih DWP, MSi,  to share their research experience in winning national research grants.  Both speakers are alumni of Doctor of Economics (major in Economics), Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro. We specially invited the two alumni as both frequently win national research grants. Prof. Izza talked about “Searching New Ideas/Novelties for Research Grants” whereas Prof Sucihatiningsih shared about “Strategies to Win DIKTI Research Grants .

This guest lecturer was attended by 81 participants consisting of doctoral students, some master students and our alumni. Some participants also came from other universities outside Semarang.