The Doctoral Program in Economics (PDE) of Diponegoro University, held a national webinar in the form of Alumni Talk. The second Alumni Talk program discussed the topic of “Publications in Reputable International Journals: Learning from Experience” and was held on Saturday 5 November 2022 from 09.00 – 11.30 by inviting two PDE alumni namely Dr. E. Elijah Ardyan, S.E., MBA and Dr. Robiyanto, SE., MM. In this event, Dr. E. Elia Ardyan, S.E., MBA discussed “Preparing Manuscripts for Reputable International Publications” and Dr. Robiyanto, SE., MM discussed “Strategies for Choosing Reputable International Journals”. These two speakers shared their experiences in preparing manuscripts and publishing them in reputable international journals, both during their time as students and when they graduated as alumni of the UNDIP Doctor of Economics program.
The Alumni Talk event was attended by 142 participants consisting of UNDIP economic doctoral students, some master and undergraduate students, faculty members and our alumni. Participants in this event also came from other universities.
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