The Doctoral Program in Economics Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Diponegoro on November 01 2021 at 15.30 held a virtual doctoral promotion (VIVA exam) Munawarah to defend her dissertation entitled “The Role of State Ownership in Increasing Company Value with Financial Sustainability Of Fraud as an Intervening Variable (Study on State Owned Enterprises in Indonesia)”. The Examination Committee consists of Prof. Anis Chariri, SE, MCom, PhD, Ak, CA, CFrA (Chief Examiner), Prof. Dr. Sugeng Wahyudi, M.M (Secretary Examiner, Main Supervisor), Dr. Muhammad Madyan SE., M.Si., M.Fin (External Examiner), Dr. Mahfudz, S.E., M.T (Examiner), Dr. Dra. Irene Rini Demi Pangestuti, M.E (Examiner) and Dr. Harjum Muharam, S.E., M.E (examiner, co-Supervisor). The Viva exam run two hours and after assessing the dissertation, the Committee decided to award the candidate with PhD title. Congratulation and wish you success in the future career.
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