Doctoral Program in Economics Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro held the Virtual 2021 Guest Lecturer Series on Monday 29 November 2021 (09.00 – 13.00). This series is the last guest lecturer series.  On this occasion we invited Prof. Dr. Intiyas Utama, SE, MSi, Ak, CA, CMA, QIA to share her experience in experiment method.  Prof. Dr. Intiyas Utama, SE, MSi, Ak, CA, CMA, QIA is a Professor of Accounting, Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana.

For management/economics/accounting scholars, the web-based experiment method plays an important role in testing hypothesis. This method requires researcher to design a proper web as a medium to run the experiment. However, it is not easy for students to apply this method in due to some reasons. This is why we invited Prof Intiyas to present a topic entitled Web-Based Experiment Research Method. She talked about how to design a proper method for web based-experiment. At the end, articipants get fruitful insights about how to conduct web-based experimental research  in economics, business and accounting. This can be seen from the participant’s enthuasism in the questions and answers session.

This guest lecturer was attended by 160 participants consisting of doctoral students, some master and undergraduate students, and also faculty members and our alumni. Some participants also came from other universities.