
Publikasi Staf Pengajar dan Mahasiswa Program Doktor Ekonomi:

  1. Pamungkas, I.D., Chabachib, M., Puspitasari, D.A.R., Hersugondo, H. The effect of corporate governance mechanism on financial performance in Indonesia, (2021) Quality – Access to Success, 22 (181), pp. 46-51.
  2. Farida, N., Nuryakin, Network capability, relational capability and Indonesian manufacturing SME performance: An empirical analysis of the mediating role of product innovation, (2021) Engineering Management in Production and Services, 13 (1), pp. 41-52.
  3. Hamzah, I.N., Firmansyah, Alfian Parewangi, A.M. Minimum wages, relative wages, and productivity: An empirical analysis on Indonesia food and beverage industry, (2021) Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 9 (1), pp. 33-43.
  4. Iriyanto, S., Suharnomo, Hidayat, M.T., Anas, M. Do intangible assets and innovation orientation influence competitive advantages? A case study of SMEs in Indonesia, (2021) Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 9 (1), pp. 105-115.
  5. Mahfudz, Sukresna, M., Laksana, R.D., Shaferi, I. Developing organizational citizenship behavior on public organizational performance, (2021) Quality – Access to Success, 22 (180), pp. 14-19.
  6. Ardiansari, A., Ridloah, S., Pangestuti, I.R.D., Indriyani, P. The influence of intellectual capital on the company’s financial performance and market value, (2021) Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 9 (2), pp. 217-225.
  7. Haryanto, A.M., Mawardi, W. Impact of covid-19 news on performance of indonesia stock market, (2021) Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 9 (2), pp. 226-231.
  8. Hernawati, R.I., Ghozali, I., Yuyetta, E.N.A., Prastiwi, A. The Effect of Income and Earnings Management on Firm Value: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (4), pp. 105-112.
  9. Situmorang, T.P., Indriani, F., Simatupang, R.A., Soesanto, H. Brand Positioning and Repurchase Intention: The Effect of Attitude Toward Green Brand, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (4), pp. 491-499.
  10. DARMASTUTI, I., GHOZALI, I., DJASTUTI, I. The Effect of Supply Chain Management on Stakeholder Engagement: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (4), pp. 1013-1020.
  11. HERSUGONDO, H., WAHYUDI, S., LAKSANA, R.D. Financial Reforms and Technical Efficiency: A Case Study of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (4), pp. 849-855.
  12. Anik, S., Chariri, A., Isgiyarta, J. The Effect of Intellectual Capital and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Performance and Corporate Value: A Case Study in Indonesia, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (4), pp. 391-402.
  13. Handayani, S., Kawedar, W. Could the minimization of opportunity prevent fraud? An empirical study in the auditors’ perspective, (2021) Accounting, 7 (5), pp. 1157-1166.
  14. Simamora, E.R., Farida, N., Indriani, F., Setiawan, B. Determinants of Intention of Electronic Waste Recycling: Application of Theory of Planned Behavior, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (3), pp. 1095-1100.
  15. Anik, S., Sulistyo, H. The role of green intellectual capital and green innovation on competitive advantage of SMEs, (2021) International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, 18 (1), pp. 28-44.
  16. Hersugondo, Nabila Anjani, Imang Dapit Pamungkas. The Role of Non-Performing Asset, Capital, Adequacy and Insolvency Risk on Bank Performance: A Case Study in Indonesia, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (3), pp. 319-329.
  17. Magnadi, R.H., Perdhana, M.S., Raharjo, S.T., Abdurokhim, CHARACTERISTICS OF FAMILY BUSINESS SUCCESSION IN BATIK INDUSTRY, (2021) Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences, 24 (2), pp. 1-10.
  18. Jati, K.W., Agustina, L., Amal, M.I., Wahyuningrum, I.F.S., Zulaikha, Exploring the internal factors influencing financial distress, (2021) Accounting, 7 (4), pp. 791-800.
  19. Ratmono, D., Nugrahini, D.E., Cahyonowati, N. The Effect of Corporate Governance on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Performance (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (2), pp. 933-941.
  20. Sukesti, F., Ghozali, I., Fuad, F., Almasyhari, A.K., Nurcahyono, N. Factors Affecting the Stock Price: The Role of Firm Performance, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (2), pp. 165-173.
  21. Setiawanta, Y., Utomo, D., Ghozali, I., Jumanto, J. Financial performance, exchange rate, and firm value: The Indonesian public companies case, (2021) Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 11 (22), pp. 348-366.
  22. AFLAH, K.N., SUHARNOMO, S., MAS’UD, F., MURSID, A. Islamic Work Ethics and Employee Performance: The Role of Islamic Motivation, Affective Commitment, and Job Satisfaction, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (1), pp. 997-1007.
  23. Wahyuni, L., Chariri, A., Yuyetta, E.A. Whistleblowing Intention: Theory of Planned Behavior Perspectives, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (1), pp. 335-341.
  24. Jouha, F., Albakay, K., Ghozali, I., Harto, P. Revisiting the Effect of Financial Elements on Stock Performance Using Corporate Social Responsibility Cost Growth, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (1), pp. 767-780.
  25. Rahayu, S., Rohman, A., Harto, P. Herding Behavior Model in Investment Decision on Emerging Markets: Experimental in Indonesia, (2021) Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8 (1), pp. 053-059.
  26. Zulaikha, Basuki Hadiprajitno, P.T., Rohman, A., Handayani, S. Effect of attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral controls on the intention and corrupt behavior in public procurement: Fraud triangle and the planned behavior in management accounting, (2021) Accounting, 7 (2), pp. 331-338.

  1. Managerial Ability and Convergent Interest on Accounting Conservatism: Internal Control Quality as a MediatorKartikasari, L.Chariri, A.Fuad, F. Quality – Access to Success, 2022, 23(186), pp. 59–67
  2. Green Accounting Adoption Toward Sustainable PerformanceIndriastuti, M.Chariri, A.Fuad; Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 527 LNNS, pp. 264–273
  3. Digital Information Integrated Reporting and Its Impact on Firm Valuation (Evidence in Indonesia) Machmuddah, Z.Rohman, A.Chariri, A.Juliarto, A.; Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 2022, 381 LNNS, pp. 358–364
  4. Intellectual capital and disclosure practices of miscellaneous industries: Evidence from cable companies in Indonesia; Astuti, P.D.Chariri, A.Rohman, A.; International Journal of Business and Society, 2021, 22(3), pp. 1283–1301
  5. Corporate social responsibility, firm value, and financial constraints: A signal of corporate liquidity; Haryanto, M.Y.D.Chariri, A.Yuyetta, E.N.A.; Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance, 2021, 9(6), pp. 1322–1331
  6. The role of green investment and corporate social responsibility investment on sustainable performance; Indriastuti, M.Chariri, A.; Cogent Business and Management, 2021, 8(1), 1960120

  1. GOVERNANCE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND REGULATION-BASED FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY; Din, M.Munawarah, M.Ghozali, I.Achmad, T.Karim, F.; Journal of Governance and Regulation, 2022, 11(2), pp. 116–123
  2. Bid-Ask Spread on Earnings Management with Good Corporate Governance as Moderation Variables: Banking Sector in Indonesia; Ghozali, I.Wahyudi, S.HersugondoPrabuwono, A.S.Pamungkas, I.D.; WSEAS Transactions on Business and Economics, 2022, 19, pp. 386–395
  3. Price Index Modeling and Risk Prediction of Sharia Stocks in Indonesia; Hersugondo, H.Ghozali, I.Handriani, E.Trimono, T.Pamungkas, I.D.; Economies, 2022, 10(1), 17
  4. Networking capability, entrepreneurial marketing, competitive advantage, and marketing performance; Dhameria, V.Ghozali, I.Hidayat, A.Aryanto, V.D.W.; Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 2021, 9(4), pp. 941–948
  5. The Effect of Supply Chain Management on Stakeholder Engagement: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia; DARMASTUTI, I.GHOZALI, I.DJASTUTI, I.; Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021, 8(4), pp. 1013–1020
  6. Transformational Leadership and Collectivism in Distribution Market: A Study in Central Java – Indonesia; Mukhlisin, A.Ghozali, I.Djastuti, I.; Quality – Access to Success, 2021, 22(185), pp. 146–154

  1. Islamic Work Ethics and Employee Performance: The Role of Islamic Motivation, Affective Commitment, and Job Satisfaction; AFLAH, K.N.SUHARNOMO, S.MAS’UD, F.MURSID, A.; Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021, 8(1), pp. 997–1007
  2. The role of trust-based active participation as a learning mediation concept for leveraging the impact of information technology on creative performance Hermawan, I.Suharnomo; Market-Trziste, 2020, 32(2), pp. 221–235
  3. Investigating the role of the knowledge sharing and innovative behavior in supply chain management; Suhana, S.Suharnomo, S.Mas’ud, F., …Febrianto, B.Santoso, I.H.; International Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2020, 9(3), pp. 871–880
  4. Transformational leadership on employee performance in post-acquisition of a company; Ratnawati, I.Ferdinand, A.T.Suharnomo; International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2020, 10(10), pp. 236–251

  1. Synergized network asset: A driver for indonesia’s furniture industries to elevate marketing performance; Setiawan, A.I.Ferdinand, A.T.; International Journal of Business and Society, 2021, 22(2), pp. 765–787
  2. Transformative interaction capability: the mediating role between quality of work life and teamwork performance; Qamari, I.N.Ferdinand, A.T.Dwiatmadja, C.Yuniawan, A.; International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 2020, 12(2), pp. 133–148
  3. Transformational leadership on employee performance in post-acquisition of a company; Ratnawati, I.Ferdinand, A.T.Suharnomo; International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 2020, 10(10), pp. 236–251
  4. Strategic human resources roles and knowledge sharing: How do enhancing organizational innovation? Qamari, I.N.Dewayani, J.Ferdinand, A.T. Quality – Access to Success, 2019, 20(168), pp. 86–92
  5. Motivation to transfer, supervisor support, proactive learning, and training transfer: Testing interaction effects; Dewayani, J.Ferdinand, A.; International Journal of Economics and Business Administration, 2019, 7(3), pp. 141–150

  1. The Effect of Intellectual Capital and Good Corporate Governance on Financial Performance and Corporate Value: A Case Study in Indonesia; Anik, S.Chariri, A.Isgiyarta, J.; Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021, 8(4), pp. 391–402
  2. Impact of the personality, professionalism, and spirituality on dysfunctional behaviour (A case study of indonesian accountants); Janie, D.N.A.Isgiyarta, J.; Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 2019, 7(5), pp. 12–23
  3. How does reporting technology affect firm value? Helmina, M.R.A.Ghozali, I.Isgiyarta, J.Sutomo, I.; International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2019, 8(7), pp. 534–541
  4. The effect of gender, locus of control, love of money, and economic status on students’ ethical perception; Khanifah, K.Isgiyarta, J.Lestari, I.Udin, U.; International Journal of Higher Education, 2019, 8(5), pp. 168–175

  1. Economic model of groundwater damage control in Semarang City: Prisoner’s dilemma game; Siswanto, B.Sugiyanto, F.X.Kurnia, A.S.; Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2021, 12(7), pp. 1951–1960
  2. Fisheries waste handling to enhanced fishers society economic growth: Blue growth initiative perspective; Dewi, D.A.A.N.Sugiyanto, F.X.Iskandar, D.D.; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1943(1), 012114
  3. Still gap issues of education, skill and capital to income inequality; Nikensari, S.I.Santosa, P.B.Sugiyanto, F.X.; Iranian Economic Review, 2021, 25(2), pp. 205–218, 2020, 530(1), 012025
  4. Exchange rate pass through viewed from wholesale price in Indonesia; Isnowati, S.Sugiyanto, F.Kurnia, A.S.Tjahjaningsih, E.; Montenegrin Journal of Economics, 2020, 16(3), pp. 137–147
  5. Poverty viewed from the perspective of domestic production in Yogyakarta: The Solow growth model approach; SuriptoFirmansyahSugiyanto, F.X.; International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 2020, 24(2), pp. 174–184
  6. Resilience and flood risk management in a coastal zone; Isa, M.Sugiyanto, F.X.Susilowati, I.; Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 2019, 7(4), pp. 950–955
  7. Tourism and economic growth nexus in Indonesia: The dynamic panel data approach; Primayesa, E.Widodo, W.Sugiyanto, F.X.; Regional Science Inquiry, 2019, 11(2), pp. 83–91
  8. The tourism-led growth hypothesis in Indonesia; Primayesa, E.Widodo, W.Sugiyanto, F.X.; e-Review of Tourism Research, 2019, 17(1), pp. 59–77

  1. Managerial opportunistic behavior and firm value: Empirical study of manufacturing companies in Indonesia; Sianturi, J.A.T.P.Wahyudi, S.Demi Pangestuti, I.R.Utomo, M.N.; Management Science Letters, 2020, 10(11), pp. 2553–2560
  2. Commissioner board monitoring to create firm performance through environmentally friendly management; Utomo, M.N.Wahyudi, S.Muharam, H.Sianturi, J.A.T.P.; Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2018, 9(3), pp. 659–676

  1. Financial performance, exchange rate, and firm value: The Indonesian public companies case; Setiawanta, Y.Utomo, D.Ghozali, I.Jumanto, J.; Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 2021, 11(22), pp. 348–366
  2. Are financial statements (LESS) fundamental to investor’s decisions?: Study of indonesian stock exchange; Setiawanta, Y.Ghozali, I.Rohman, A.Purwanto, A.; Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2020, 28(1)
  3. Stakeholder power, sustainability reporting, and corporate governance: A case study of manufacturing industry at Indonesia’s stock exchange; Setiawanta, Y.Purwanto, A.; Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2019, 27(2), pp. 147–158

  1. The influence of local tax, local retribution, and audit opinion on expenditure performance in local governments central Java Province, Indonesia; Kuntari, Y.Chariri, A.Prabowo, T.J.W.Nurdhiana; Humanities and Social Sciences Reviews, 2019, 7(6), pp. 1172–1181
  2. Capital expenditure of local governments; Kuntari, Y.Chariri, A.Prabowo, T.J.W.; Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 2019, 23(1)

  1. Economic model of groundwater damage control in Semarang City: Prisoner’s dilemma game; Siswanto, B.Sugiyanto, F.X.Kurnia, A.S.; Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2021, 12(7), pp. 1951–1960

  1. The role of team building training on team cohesiveness and organizational commitment in an international manufacturer in central Java; Priyotomo, P.Setyowati, R.Suharnomo, S.; Quality – Access to Success, 2019, 20(172), pp. 56–61
  2. Analyzing the strength of technological development and technical innovation in an international manufacturer in Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia; SuharnomoPriyotomo; International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 2017, 8(8), pp. 740–745

  1. GOVERNANCE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND REGULATION-BASED FISCAL ACCOUNTABILITY; Din, M.Munawarah, M.Ghozali, I.Achmad, T.Karim, F.; Journal of Governance and Regulation, 2022, 11(2), pp. 116–123
  2. Does e-procurement solve Indonesia local government budgetary slack through it adaptive culture?; Zahra, F.Rohman, A.Chariri, A.Karim, F.; International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 2017, 8(8), pp. 1001–1010

  1. Investigating the maturity level of computer-based accounting systems in small and medium-sized enterprises: Empirical evidence in indonesia; Ardiansah, M.N.Anisykurlillah, I.Udin, U.; Quality – Access to Success, 2021, 22(181), pp. 12–17
  2. The effect of electronic payments security on e-commerce consumer perception: An extended model of technology acceptance; Noor Ardiansah, M.Chariri, A.Rahardja, S.Udin; Management Science Letters, 2020, 10(7), pp. 1473–1480

  1. Strategy of stimulating purchase intention of private label brands (Plb); Mulatsih, R.Kusumawardhani, A.; International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2020, 9(1), pp. 4309–4315
  2. Corporate image of bus rapid transit antecedent customer repurchase intention; Mulatsih, R.AndriyansahSoesanto, H.; International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2017, 12(18), pp. 7734–7740
  3. Does accounting control system boost marketing capabilities? AndriyansahZahra, F.Santorry, …Siallagan, H.Mulatsih, R.; International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 2017, 8(8), pp. 209–216

  1. The content and determinants of CSR anti-corruption disclosure: the case of public-listed companies in Indonesia; Faisal, F.Joseph, C.Saputri, A.Prastiwi, A.; Journal of Financial Crime, 2022, 29(3), pp. 890–907
  2. The Effect of Income and Earnings Management on Firm Value: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia; Hernawati, R.I.Ghozali, I.Yuyetta, E.N.A.Prastiwi, A.; Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021, 8(4), pp. 105–112
  3. The role of government regulations in enhancing corporate social responsibility disclosure and firm value; Faisal, F.Situmorang, L.S.Achmad, T.Prastiwi, A.; Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020, 7(8), pp. 509–518

  1. Role of auditor specialization in moderating corporate governance and quality of audit reporting in indonesian manufacturing companies; Handayani, Y.D.Ibrani, E.Y.; Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration, 2021, 29(2)
  2. Environmental Performance and Environmental Disclosure: The Role of Financial Performance; IFADA, L.M.INDRIASTUTI, M.IBRANI, E.Y.SETIAWANTA, Y.; Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2021, 8(4), pp. 349–362
  3. Determinants and consequences of internal auditor quality on regional government performance: an empirical investigation in indonesia; Ibrani, E.Y.Faisal, F.Sukasari, N.Handayani, Y.D.; Quality – Access to Success, 2020, 21(176), pp. 87–92
  4. Determinant of non-GAAP earnings management practices and its impact on firm value; Ibrani, E.Y.Faisal, F.Handayani, Y.D.; Cogent Business and Management, 2019, 6(1), 1666642
  5. Corporate governance application, audit quality and audit report lag: The moderating role of law compliance; Handayani, Y.D.Ibrani, E.Y.; International Journal of Financial Research, 2019, 10(4), pp. 164–171

  1. Internationalization model for increasing the competitiveness of local creative industries in asean economy community; Djastuti, I.Rahardjo, S.T.Perdhana, M.S.DaryonoSupriyati, S. Quality – Access to Success, 2020, 21(175), pp. 31–39
  2. Investigating the relationships between organizational change, organizational climate, and organizational performance; Supriyati, S.Udin, U.Wahyudi, S.Mahfudz, M.; International Journal of Financial Research, 2019, 10(6), pp. 88–94
  3. Transformation model of human resources in private higher education institution in central Java Indonesia | Modelo de transformación de recursos humanos en la institución privada de educación superior en el centro de Java Indonesia; Pawenang, S.Supriyati, S.Bakri, S.H.A.; Opcion, 2018, 34(85), pp. 2737–2747
  4. Advancement of reward and punishment in management based on religious ethics | Avance de premios y castigos en la gestión basado en la ética religios; Supriyati, S.Pawenang, S.Wahyudi, S.; Opcion, 2018, 34(85), pp. 1341–1350

  1. Fisheries waste handling to enhanced fishers society economic growth: Blue growth initiative perspective; Dewi, D.A.A.N.Sugiyanto, F.X.Iskandar, D.D.; Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1943(1), 012114
  2. Pekalongan Purse Seiners Fisheries Technical Efficiency Using Stochastic Frontier Panel Data; Ayunita, D.Dewi, N.N.Iskandar, D.D.; IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 246(1), 012014
  3. Cooperative or individually? Impact of fishing expedition decision on income; Dewi, D.A.N.N.Iskandar, D.D.; AACL Bioflux, 2019, 12(2), pp. 593–600

  1. Could the minimization of opportunity prevent fraud? An empirical study in the auditors’ perspective; Handayani, S.Kawedar, W.; Accounting, 2021, 7(5), pp. 1157–1166
  2. Effect of attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral controls on the intention and corrupt behavior in public procurement: Fraud triangle and the planned behavior in management accounting; ZulaikhaBasuki Hadiprajitno, P.T.Rohman, A.Handayani, S.; Accounting, 2021, 7(2), pp. 331–338
  3. The effect of organizational learning, IT capability and employee adaptability on job performance: A moderation model; Udin, U.Suharnomo, S.Rahardja, E.Handayani, S.; Espacios, 2019, 40(42), pp. 1–11
  4. Leadership styles and communication skills at Indonesian higher education: Patterns, influences, and applications for organization; Udin, U.Handayani, S.Yuniawan, A.Rahardja, E.; Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 2019, 10(1), pp. 111–131
  5. Does money motivate people?: A summary of issues and discussion points; UdinHandayani, S.Yuniawan, A.; Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2018, 13(12), pp. 4320–4323
  6. A systematic literature review of managing workplace diversity for sustaining organizational competitive advantage; Handayani, S.UdinSuharnomo, …Wahyudi, S.Wikaningrum, T.; International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 2017, 8(12), pp. 398–406
  7. Antecedents and consequences of affective commitment among Indonesian engineers working in automobile sector: An investigation of affecting variables for improvement in engineers role; UdinHandayani, S.Yuniawan, A.Rahardja, E.; International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 2017, 8(10), pp. 70–79
  8. Investigating Muslim consumer behavior in purchasing habbat al sauda (Nigella Sativa); AndriyansahSantorryHandayani, S.Kurniawan, S.; International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 2017, 8(7), pp. 983–992
  9. Analysis of antecedent and consequence of employee engagement in small and medium-sized enterprises in Central Java, Indonesia; Handayani, S.Anggraeni, A.I.AndriyansahSuharnomoRahardja, E.; European Research Studies Journal, 2017, 20(3), pp. 500–510

  1. Failure analysis of sea water cooling pump’s shaft (SWCP) on board anchor handling tug supply (AHTS); Hamid, A.Nugroho, S.Haryadi, G.D.Nugroho, A.AIP Conference Proceedings, 2019, 2202, 020049
  2. Failure analysis of shaft circulating water pump (CWP) used in power plant; Hamid, A.Nugroho, S.Haryadi, G.D.Khaeroman; MATEC Web of Conferences, 2018, 159, 02027

  1. Inimitable-based innovative entrepreneurship as mediation concepts of information technology roles on organizational performance; Hermawan, I.Suharnomo, S.Perdhana, M.S.; Business: Theory and Practice, 2021, 22(2), pp. 380–391
  2. The role of trust-based active participation as a learning mediation concept for leveraging the impact of information technology on creative performance | Uloga aktivnog sudjelovanja temeljenog na povjerenju kao medijatora učenja za upotrebu informacijske tehnologije za kreativne izvedbe; Hermawan, I.Suharnomo; Market-Trziste, 2020, 32(2), pp. 221–235

  1. The effect of sustainability information disclosure on financial and market performance: empirical evidence from Indonesia and Malaysia; Hardiningsih, P.Januarti, I.Yuyetta, E.N.A.Srimindarti, C.Udin, U.; International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 2020, 10(2), pp. 18–25
  2. Determinants of audit quality: An Empirical insight from Indonesia; Hardiningsih, P.Januarti, I.Oktaviani, R.M.Srimindarti, C.Udin, U.; International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 2019, 8(7), pp. 570–578